Who We Are
We are a collection of microchurches seeking to live out our faith in increasingly contextual ways. Our microchurches gather for worship, discipleship, and service in our homes, neighborhoods, cafes, and even places of work.
What We Do

The Love Your Neighbor Network exists primarily to equip, empower, and unleash mircochurch leaders to follow God’s call on their lives as they seek to put flesh on the Gospel in the places and spaces where they are already doing life.

The Love Your Neighbor Network, as a collection of smaller expressions, will also gather monthly as a larger group for worship, communion, and baptisms. Monthly communal worship will be a time for microchurches to come together in prayer, praise, lament, and worship. Monthly gatherings will foster community among the microchurches and provide a space for connection and shared learning.
What is a microchurch?
A microchurch is exactly what it sounds like: a smaller expression of church. All microchurches will have at least three components: worship, discipleship, and commitment to service. Worship may be streamed or created organically in the group. Microchurches may exist in homes, neighborhoods, around the dinner table, in workplaces, cafes, gyms, and other natural gathering spaces outside of the traditional church building. The early church found in Acts provides our Biblical basis.

What is a fresh expression group?
A fresh expression group involves any regularly scheduled activity, event, or gathering that incorporates at least one element of discipleship, such as prayer or scripture reading, and also includes an invitational component to deeper relationship. Fresh expression groups organize around a shared activity such as: frisbee, kickball, walking, darts, boating, bowling, game night, gaming, yoga, coffee, or simply work or community relationships. You tell us what your “thing” is and we will help equip you to add a discipleship component to it.
What We Believe
We affirm the ancient creeds of the Christian faith, to include the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe Jesus was serious when He gave us the Great Commandments and the Great Commission, and that the church has often fallen short of living into these callings.
We believe the church belongs to Jesus and that it is God’s vehicle in this world for unity, mission, purpose, and hope.
We believe that every human being is created in the image of God and has been created to live in whole relationship with God, one another, and all of creation.
We believe you are loved more than you could possibly know.
When people are no longer coming to church, the call of disciples is to bring church and be church where people are already doing life.
Love Your Neighbor Network Webinars
Recordings of Pastor Donovan Archie's monthly Love Your Neighbor Network webinars are available at the buttons below.